Robobiotics is an exciting new sound effects collection from The Library by Empty Sea. A big one at 4.5GB, this collection contains over 3500 sounds. We’re talking about almost 3 hours of material here! We spent over a year recording and designing Lasers, Robot Vox, Impacts, Servos, Ratcheting Metal, Ambiances, Transformations, Foley, Vehicle Bys and much much more. If you’re looking for a more affordable way to get the of Sci-Fi sounds you need, Robobiotics has also been split out into smaller packs as well. We spent over a year recording and designing Lasers, Robot Vox, Impacts, Servos, Ratcheting Metal, Ambiances, Transformations, Foley, Vehicle Bys and much much more! This collection features all original material both designed and recorded, for robots and sci-fi. It even includes original sounds from the MPSE Golden Reel nominated web-series DR0NE for which Empty Sea provided post production sound services. As always, we painstakingly edited, processed and mastered the sounds, while also embedding them with metadata. It is a must have for any project that relies on SciFi material! Don’t wait, grab your copy today!